Saturday, October 24, 2009


I don't know if I should be flattered .....or worried....

Back in July of this year I posted several slams on Herpes and other STD dating sites.  I mean even though those places are OUT there (and out there if you knnow what i mean), I first started bagging on the subject just because I couldn't believe how "desirable" the advertisers made Herpes Dating sound, and I wanted to be the FIRST to provide the world with vision-envoking, if not appetizing, satire on being postively POSITIVE!  Since that time, I added a few posts on other STDS and even one joking about how I became a Doctor; after several webcrawled posts of mine appeared in publications such as this one:


When my "herpe/lice/STD posts took off like ROCKET I was stoked!  YAY! People understand me - and there's LOTS OF THEM!!

However, I was reviewing my blogs stats and the "key words" my viewing public had utilized to get to my blog and the first red flag went up:

Although it doesnt' look like a lot the "new day" in wordpress language just started an hour ago, central time.
And then there's always the strongest proof:

In case you can 't read this clearly, it shows 2,452 hits ALONE since 7/31 THIS YEAR on STD dating.  At first I was stoked at the overnight skyrocketing clicks I suddenly had - I figured there were more people out there would appreciated sick humor such as mine than I thought! Now I know that there's more people out there with STDS than I thought.  And they're looking for others...And I promise if I meet any...I'll post on it just for them.  

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